Category Archives: Sports

NLA Softball Team Makes Its 2024 Debut

By Marquise Poncelet

The Huskies of North Lakes Academy have started their softball season. Their first game was against Legacy Christian on April 11. Coached by Morgan Thielhorn, Jessica Klima, and Chris Stewart, the team has scheduled 10 games that they will play. The HP sat down with Captains Reagan Jensen and Brenna Theisen to find out more about the season.

HP: What are your team’s strengths?

Jensen: “I would say that our team’s strengths this year especially are that we have good hustle and many of us have been playing together since we were little, so, as we get older, we’ve been able to grow together and get into a rhythm that’s crucial out on the field.”

Theisen: “I believe our strengths are our at bats. We have a lot of younger girls with a lot of experience who being good athleticism to the team.” [sic]

If someone was thinking about joining, what would you say to convince them to join the team?

Reagan: “If somebody was on the fence about joining softball, I’d tell them that they’re not going to regret joining because the team always has really great spirit and we work really well together. The team is really good at taking new girls because we get a lot of newbies every year, so there’s no pressure to join and there’s always room for more.”

 Brenna: “It’s a short season and you only get to try something once! There are is bunch of girls who love to help and teach and I guarantee you’ll have fun. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to do it but at least come try!”

The North Lakes Academy team has been practicing vigorously for their upcoming game. Their toughest games of the season will be against West Lutheran and Spectrum. If you want to watch these games, you can find the schedule here.

Life of a Multi-Sport Athlete

By Kaden Hine

Tanner Rosenthal is an eleventh grade student at North Lakes Academy. He is also a part-time PSEO student, takes part in AP classes, and plays multiple sports. Today, I interviewed him to get an inside scoop on what the life of a multi-sport athlete is like, both in sports and out.

Kaden: First question: Who has supported you the most while playing sports?

Tanner: My parents

Kaden: Great. Next question: What are the sports that you play?

Tanner: I run cross country, I play baseball, and I run track.

Kaden: Do you have a favorite (sport)?

Tanner: Nah, they’re even.

Kaden: They are all even? Every single sport?

Tanner: Uh, Baseball and cross country are tied.

Kaden: Ok. Next question: What was your favorite moment while playing sports?

Tanner: Probably hitting a home run at 11-U traveling.

Kaden: Was it a close game?

Tanner: No

Kaden: No? Were you up or down?

Tanner: We were down. It was for Andover and we lost to Forest Lake.

Kaden: Ok, Next question: How much sleep do you get per night during the sports seasons?

Tanner: Like 6 ½, 7 hours.

Kaden: That’s good. That’s pretty good for being a PSEO (student) and sports player.

Tanner: It’s not bad

Kaden: One of my last questions: Where is your favorite place to run?

Tanner: I like to run on the Hardwood Creek Trail, the North South Trail in Forest Lake.

Kaden: Do you like it  hot or cold (when you run)?

Tanner: Definitely cold. Like a lot better than hot.

Kaden: That’s it.

Tanner: Thanks for having me!

Kaden: Of course! Thanks for letting me interview you.

Building Strength with Weight Training Club

By Zander Rothstein

Forest Lake, Minn. – North Lakes Academy students are growing stronger thanks to the Weight Training Club. The club is for students who want to get in shape, build muscle, or just lift weights with friends. 

Brandon Rothenhoefer, also known as Mr. R to students, is the staff advisor for the club, and he has a positive outlook for its future:

“I see this club lasting the rest of the year, going into summer, and as well starting next year,” he siad.

Rothenhoefer joined the club when Mitch Houle, NLA teacher and basketball coach, was managing it. 

“He started [coaching] basketball and didn’t want to do both, so he told me I could lead the club myself,” he said. “I’ve wanted to do weight lifting for a while before that point so it was perfect for me.”

If you would like to join the Weight Lifting Club, it is open to all and meets every Monday through Wednesday after school from 2:30 to 3:30 PM.

Track and Field Season is Underway

By Allisha Enger and Claire Erickson

March 18, 2024

Forest Lake, Minn. – Running is a lifelong activity with many benefits. Track is a great way to get faster, better, and competitive, and the North Lakes Academy Track and Field team is no exception.The NLA Track Team started practices for its 2024 season last week.  The team consists of roughly 70 students from both NLA and Lakes International Language Academy (LILA). It competes with many other schools including Spectrum, PACT, and Legacy Christian Academy. 

The track team competes at competitions called “meets.” These take place at other schools.  Events at a meet always go in the same order, and the track events and field events are at the same time, so athletes typically need to go back and forth between events if they are in more than one. NLA’s first meet is in early April. 

Track is a very interactive and social sport, and many kids join the team to make friends and improve their physique. 

“It’s a fun environment with really kind people who support each other,” said Lucia Woehrle (11), the team manager, “You can get closer with your peers, compete with other schools, and work out”. 

To excel in track and field, one needs lots of practice, according to Coach Hope Christensen.

“Anyone can become a runner, but, to be fast, you need to put in a lot of time and effort. Working on running form and strengthening muscles is a big part of excelling in track,” she said.  

The sport isn’t just about running, either.  There are a variety of options when it comes to track and field.

“There is something for everyone,” Christensen said.  “There are fast sprints, and long distance runs. We also have field events like throwing and jumping events. We also have relay events that are always popular.” 

Track and field athletes condition their bodies by practicing, regularly jogging, and doing breathing exercises, but not all of the benefits of the sport are physical. 

“I think from all the years I have done track, I have not just learned how to be better at the sport, I have learned life skills and tips I need for talking to others and taking care of myself,” said Graciana Conway (10).